现在越来越多的人报考英语专八考试,那么英语专业八级的考试难度大不大呢?下面是由出国留学网编辑为大家整理的“英语专八考试好考吗 该如何备考”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读本文。
3、重点外语类院校中(详见注1),2005年入学的、以专业英语作为第二学位且 CET6达600分或以上(相当于优秀)的四年级本科生。(考生类型的...
The president of the company,together with the workers, are planning a conference for the purpose of solvingfinancial problems. 句中主语的主词为单数名词“president”,介词短语“together with the workers”与主语无关,是插入成分,故谓语动词应用单数is。
有时名词可以不用复数,但是在特定的句子中由于前面有明确的量词修饰,如many, several, a number of, avariety of等等,就要变成复数形式。
Computer, as we all know, has manypossible use in different fields. 句中名词use前的修饰语many是用来修饰复数名词的,所以use应改为uses。
3)代词与先行词一致 代词的主要功能是指代已出现的名词、词组或一个意群,因此代词的出现必须有所指,而且形、数等必须与前面所代的部份相符。
A knowledge of several languagesis essential to other majors' study because without them one can read booksonly in translation.? without them指的是没有几门语言的知识。them错指a knowledge of several languages,因为其中knowledge是中心词,所以要把them改为it。
He can't remember what he onceknows. 主句用的是一般现在时,宾语从句中有once(从前)作为明显的时间状语,因而从句中动词应用过去时knew。
She was very angry at not tellingthe truth when she listened to the account.句这里“她”是被告诉的对象,因而telling应改为being told。
一、听力理解(Listening Comprehension)
二、阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)
三、语言知识(language usage)
第一部分,英语专八听力。我觉得,英语专八最让人没有底的是听力,也是很多考生的弱项。听力分为两部分:第一部分mini lecture要求你对听力有足够的敏感度,仔细听关键词捕获有效信息。conversation对考生来说不是难点,只要看清题目听懂内容,很容易做对。所以,建议大家在英语专八复习的时候每天最少30分钟时间练习听力,多听VOA和BBC新闻材料中的一些新闻报道、短评或讲话等。其次,练习记笔记,锻炼自己的速记能力。
第二部分,英语专八阅读。阅读这个东西也不是那么让人轻松的,所以平时也要练习。30分钟做四篇将近3000字的阅读,的确让人头痛。所以首先,要调整好阅读的心态,保持心里平静。其次一定要分配好时间,阅读题每篇的速度可以在 7分钟左右,时间的长短可以视文章的难度而适当调整。刚开始练习的时候最多不超过10分钟一篇,尽量一次做俩篇,这样的话,强度不算太大,也容易接受,20分钟内搞定,按照这种强度进行训练俩周后,大概也就找到了英语专八的感觉了。
阅读时的方法就是:首先拿到阅读题先看文章的每段的首句和末句,而且只看首句和末句,对于首句和末句的阅读一定要切记,只有这样才能把握住文章的中心思想和每段大意,只有这样才能在规定的时间里做完 4篇阅读。其次,选项可以先读,也可以后读,再有就是题干一定要读。还要注意题干中的特殊标志词。
英语专八词汇。备考英语专业八级,词汇占据重要的位置。很多学生认为专八没有词汇题就不重视词汇的复习与记忆。然而,八级考试官方要求词汇量是 13000,其实根本考察不到那么多,但是不能不背,其中一部分是专...
__1__ The British established 13 colonies along ___.
A the west coast of North America
B the west coast of South America
C the east coast of North America
D the east coast of South America
__2__ In Jan.1918, American President ___ prepared his “Fourteen Point” as a basis of peace negotiation.
A Woodrow Wilson B William H. Taft C Warren D Harding
__3__ Who took up the translation of the Bible into English for the first time?
A Jan Hus B Jone Wycliffe C Martin Luther D John Calvin
__4__ President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a well-know policy called ___ to save the economic situation.
A the Open Door Policy
B the “Big Stick”
C Good Neighbor Policy
D the New Deal
__5__ Who is the author of Institutes of the Christian Religion?
A Jan Hus B Jone Wycliffe C John Calvin D Martin Luther
__6__ The Declaration of Independence was drafted by ___.
A Thomas Jefferson
B George Washington
C Benjamin Franklin
D John Adams
__7__ On Aug.14,1947, the U.S. and British issued a joint communiqué called ___.
A the Teheran Declaration
B the Atlantic charter
C the Washington Proclamation
D the Cairo Declaration
__8__ Whose motto “what do I know” put down in his essays, is world-famous? ___.
A Cervantes
__1__ ___ is the oldest of all the parties in Ireland.
A Finn Gael
B The Progressive Democrats
C Finna Fail
D The Irish Labor Party
__2__ The largest state of all the states of America is___.
A Texas B Alaska C California D Hawaii
__3__ ___ had the title “the Wizard of Menlo Park”.
A John Stevens
B Charlie Chaplin
C Thomas A Edison
D Robert Fulton
__4__ ___ major works: Last Supper is the most famous of religious pictures.
A Loenardo da Vinci’s B Titian
C Raphael D Michelangelo
__5__ Which of the following was best known for his Madona (Virgin Mary)? ___
A Raphael B Michelangelo C Da Vinci D Titian
__6__ The first American President who inaugurated in Washington City was__.
A George Washington
B Thomas Jefferson
C John Adants
D Andrew Jackson
__7__ The “Big Stick” Policy was advanced by President__.
A Franklin D. Roosevelt
B William Mckinley
C Thomas Woodrow Wilson
D Theodore Rooservelt
__8__ What is the largest river in America?
A the Ohio River
B The Columbia
C the Mississippi River
D The Colorado
__9__ The United States is ___ populous country in the world.
A the third most
B the second most
C the most
___1___ The real centre of power in the British Parliament is ___.
A the King or the Queen
B the House of Commons
C the House of Lords
D the Cabinet
___2___ The oldest part of British Parliament is ___.
A the House of Lords
B the House of Commons
C the Shadow of Cabinet
D the Chamber
___3___ The national centre of the press in Britain is ___.
A Greet Russell Street
B Speakers’ Corner
C Downing Street
D the Fleet Street
___4___ Who was crowned “Emperor of the Romans” by the Pope in 800?
A St. Thomas Aquinas
B Constantine
C Charlemagne
D King James
___5___ The Summa Theological was written by ___.
A St. Thomas Aquinas
B Constantine
C Alfred the Great
D Charles I
___6___ Among the most typical English sports, having been in existence since the 16th century, is ___.
A rugby B cricket C boxing D football
___7___ The Great Charter (Magna Carta) was signed by ___ in 1215.
A King Henry I B King John C King William I D King Richard
___8___ “Song of Roland” belongs to which country’s epic? ___.
A English B French C Hebrew D Germanic
___9___ The Gothic style started in ___ and quickly spread through all parts of western Europe.
A French B English...
___1___ When printing was invented in the 1500’s, the ___ Bible was the first complete work printed.
A Latin B English C Aramaic D Hebrew
___2___ Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Open University?
A It’s open to everybody B No university degree is awarded C It requires no formal educational qualification D University courses are followed through TV, radio, correspondence, ect
___3___ The most important and influential of English Bible is the Authorized or King James version, first published in ___..
A 1382 B 1901 C 1611 D 1979
___4___ In Britain, ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of ___.
A the Lord Chancellor B the Prime Minister C the Speaker D the Parliamentary Commissioner
___5___ The Middle Ages is also called the ___..
A “Age of Faith” B “Age of Christianity” C “Age of Holy Spirit” D “Age of Literature”
___6___ In the latter part of the 4th century, which of the following tribes swept into Europe from central Asia, robbing and killing large numbers of the half civilized Germanic tribes?
A the Mongolians B the Turkish C the Syrians D the Huns
___7___ The president of the Lords in Britain is called ___.
A Lord Chancellor B speaker C Prime Minister D President
___8___ The Church was divided into the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church after ___.
A 1066...
___1___ Stratford-on-Avon is a famous place where ___ was born.
A John Milton B William Shakespeare C Ben Johnson D Thomas Gray
___2___ The oldest university in Britain is ___.
A Sunday Times B St. Andrews University C Oxford D Edinburgh University
___3___ The Tories were the forerunners of ___ , which still bears this nickname today..
A the Liberal Party B the Labour Party Day C the Conservative Party D the Social Democratic Party
___4___ Halloween is celebrated on ___.
A 5th November B 17th March C 25th December D 31st October
___5___ Which of the following emperors issued the Edict of Milan and made Christianity legal in 313? ___..
A Augustus I B Constantine I C Theodosius D Nero I
___6___ Which of the following emperors made Christianity the official religion of the empire and outlawed all other religions in 392 A.D?
A Theodosius B Augustus C Constantine I D Nero Caesar
___7___ Easter is a holiday usually connected to the following except ___.
A the coming of spring B the eating of Easter eggs C the reunion of a large family D the resurrection of Christ
___8___ The most famous broadcasting company in Britain is ___
A Independent Broadcasting Authority B British Broadcasting Corporation C Radio Times D Reuters
___9___ Today, the City of London is the business centre of London where you can find ___.
__1_No.10 Downing Street is____.
A Office of British Navy B official residence of Prime Minster
C seat of English Parliament D official residence of King
__2__ Increasingly troubled by the inroads of northern tribes such as Goths, the West Empire finally collapsed in__.
A 395 B 27 B.C. C 476 D 1453
__3__Who wrote “I came, I saw, I conquered”?
A Horace B Virgil C Marcus Tullius Cicero D Julius Casar
__4__When the Hundred Year’s War ended in 1453, the only part of France that was still in the hands of English is_.
A Calais B Paris C Aquitaine D Anjor
__5__ Big Ben is the nickname of_.
A Sir Benjamin Hall B Benjamin Franklin C 315-foot Clock Tower D Sir Charles Barry
__6__ In England, the most famous of the Catholic conspiracies was__.
A The Cobham’s plot B the murder of Thomas Becket
C the execution of Mary Queen of Scots D the Gunpowder Plot
__7__ The author of On the Origin of Species is__.
A George Baron B Charles Darwin C John Baldwin D Winston Churchill
__8__The author of On the Nature of Things is __.
A Horace B Virgil C Lucretius D Julius Caesar
__9__Which of the following is by far the most influential in the West?
A Christianity B Buddhism C Islamism D Judaism
__10__ The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the fir...
"Music I heard with you was more than music." Exactly. And therefore music itself can only be heard alone. Solitude is the salt of personhood. It brings out the authentic flavor of every experience.
"Alone one is never lonely: the spirit adventures, walking in a quiet garden, in a cool house, abiding single there."
提示: salt该怎么译呢?
1 A colorless or white crystalline solid, chiefly sodium chloride, used extensively as a food seasoning and preservative.Also called common salt, table salt
盐:一种无色或白色结晶固体,主要成分是氯化钠,广泛用于食物调料和防腐剂也作 common salt, table salt
2 A chemical compound formed by replacing all or part of the hydrogen ions of an acid with metal ions or electropositive radicals.
3 An element that gives flavor or zest.
4 Sharp, lively wit.
5 Informal A sailor, especially when old or experienced.
【非正式用语】 老水手:水手,尤指老练而富有经验的水手
6 A saltcellar.
“与你共享的音乐便不止是音乐了。” 的确如此。因此,音乐本身只能一个人独自聆听。独处是人生的趣味所在,它让人感受到所有经历的真实韵味。