敦煌是以莫髙窟(Mogao Caves)而著名的旅游胜地。在古代,敦煌是中国与其西方邻居之间的贸易中心。随着丝绸之路沿线贸易的蓬勃发展,敦煌迅速发展为中国历史上国际贸易最开放的地区。敦煌有1000多个石窟是在悬崖上雕刻出来的。石窟反映了丝绸之路的文明和历史上中国人民的宗教生活、艺术和习俗的重要方面,其中包括这个时期传入中国的佛教(Buddhism)。敦煌石窟一直被视为中国的国宝。
Dunhuang is a renowned tourist resort famous forthe Mogao Caves.In ancient times, Dunhuang wasthe center of trade between China and its westernneighbors. With the flourishing of trade along theSilk Road, Dunhuang quickly developed to becomethe most open area in international trade in Chinese histoiy. Over 1,000 caves were cut out ofcliffs in Dunhuang. The caves reflect Silk Road civilization and important aspects of Chinesepeople's religious life, art, and customs in histoiy, including the introduction of Buddhism toChina during this period. Dunhuang grottoes have always been regarded as the nationaltreasure of China.
1.敦煌是以莫高窟而著名的旅游胜地:“以...而著名”可译为befamous for。类似短语还有be famous as(作为…而著名)。“旅游胜地”可译为tourist resort。
3.敦煌石窟一直被视为中国的国宝:其中“被视为”可译为be regarded as,也可译为be seen as或beconsidered as。“国宝”可译为national treasure。
春节象征着团结、兴旺以及对未来寄予新的希望。据记载,中国人过春节已有四千多年的历史。中同是个多民族的国家,各民族(nationality)过春节的形式各有不同。但是无论在中国的哪个地方,人们都会在春节期间全家团圆,吃年糕(New Year cake),饺子以及各种丰盛的饭菜。人们张灯结彩,燃放鞭炮,并互相祝福。
In China, the Spring Festival is one of the most significant and lively ancient festivals, which symbolizes unity, prosperity and new hopes for the future. It is recorded that the custom of celebrating the Spring Festival has lasted for more than 4,000 years. As a multi-ethnic country, different nationalities in China have various ways of celebrating the Spring Festival. However, wherever in China, people will have a family reunion during the festival, eating New Year cakes, dumplings and various hearty meals, decorating the houses with lanterns and festoons, setting off firecrackers and blessing each others.
1.春节:翻译为the Spring Festival,注意前面一定要加上定冠词the。—般说来,因际惯例假日前面通常不加the,但是中国的大多数传统节日前面都需要加the。
2.据记载:对于这祌没有明确指出记载来源的句子,一般翻译为it is recorded that...如果后面给出了记载的来源,则可以译为according to...。
3.过春节:过春节实际就是“庆祝春节这个节日”,所以可译为celebrate the Spring Festival,用celebrate 来表达“过…的含义”。
4.全家团圆:翻译为family reunion,"—家人从四面八方赶回来重聚在一起", 就是“全家团圆”,family reunion可以简洁、准确地表达出这一意思。
5.张灯结彩:意思就是用灯饰和花彩装饰房屋,因此可译为decorate the houses with lanterns and festoons。
古都西安,一颗闪烁着古代文明和高科技之光的历史文化名城。西安古名长安,是世界四大古都之一。踏上这古老的黄土地,无处不在的是千古文人(literati)名士(people with literary reputation)传诵于世的古风古韵。历史文化的沉积,造就了一个著名的旅游城市。西安,这座让游人流连忘返的城市,在很久以前就享有“通史博物馆(General History Museum ) ”的美誉。
Ancient capital Xi'an is a noted historic and cultural city shining the light of ancient civilization and high technology. Xi'an,once called Chang'an, is one of the four ancient capitals of the world. Setting foot on this ancient ground, you can feel ancient customs and rhymes everywhere, which have been widely read by literati and people with literary reputation for thousands of years. This famous tourism city is created by the sediment of historical culture. Xi'an,a city that let people linger on with no thought of leaving has long enjoyed the good name of the“General History Museum”
1.历史文化名城:翻译为a noted historic and cultural city。
3.古风古韵:古风指“古代的风俗习惯”,古韵指“古代的音韵”,故可译为ancient customs and rhyme。该词组所处句子缺少主语,在翻译时需增译主语。
4.流连忘返:可译为to have much enjoyment and forget to go back home或者to linger on with no thought of leaving, linger on 意为“徘徊;流连”。
5.历史文化的沉积:可译为sediment of historical culture。sediment意为“沉积”。
中国是全球最大的煤炭生产国和消费国。煤炭占中国能源消费(energy consumption)的很大一部分。在未来,煤炭在中国总体能源消费中所占的份额将有所减少。但煤炭消费仍将继续呈绝对上升态势。中国今天面临着严峻的环境问题,而煤炭在造成空气污染方面起了很大作用。尽管中国的煤炭资源很丰富,但 是我们应该开始寻找替代资源(substitute resources)。这样不仅能造福环境,从长远看也会换来经济回报。
China is the largest producer and consumer of coal in the world.Coal takes up a huge part of China’s energy consumption.In the future, coal’s share of China’s overall energy consumption will decrease.However, coal consumption will continue torise in absolute terms.China faces serious environmental issues today.Coal play a big part in causing air pollution.Although coal resource in China is abundant, should start looking for the substitute resources.It can not only benefit environment, but will also bring economic payoff in the long run.
1.煤炭占中国能源消费的很大一部分:“占”即“占据”,可译为take up; “能源消费”可译为 energy consumption。
2.但煤炭消费仍将继续呈绝对上升态势:“呈绝对上升态势”可翻译为rise in absolute terms。
3.这样不仅能造福环境,从长远看也会换来经济回报:“不仅…也 not only...but also…来表达;“造福”可翻译为benefit;“经济回报”可翻译为economic payoff。
算盘(abacus)是一种手动操作计算辅助工具形式。它起源于中国,迄今已有2600多年的历史,是中国古代的一项重要发明。在阿拉伯数字(Arabic numerals )出现前,算盘是世界广为使用的计算工具。现在,算盘在亚洲和中东的部分地区继续使用,尤其见于商店之中,可以从供应中国商品和日本商品的商店里买到。在西方,它有时被用来帮助小孩子们理解数字,而一些数学家喜欢体验一下使用算盘计算出简单算术(arithmetical)问题的感觉。
Cycling is a great way to lose weight and keep in shape.It does not require a lot of energy which keeps many people away from their sports.But it can definitely burn calories.Cycling has been an ideal way to lose weight for many years with its easy and flexible time schedules.With regular sessions a week you will start to build up strength in your lower body and slim down your waist.Cycling is as well a very practical and effective mode of transportation.Instead of driving the car,ride your bike.
1.敬而远之:可翻译为keep away from。
2.时间安排简单而灵活:可翻译为easy and flexible time schedules。
3.通过每周固定的活动时间,你的下半身将开始变得有力起来,腰部也会痩下来:“每周固定的活动时间”可译为regular sessions a week; “变得有力”可译为 build up strength;“瘦下来”可译为 slim down。
Since the 1970s the Chinese community in the USA has undergone tremendous changes.The most remarkable change is its rapid increase in economy as many Chinese have kept flooding into America.Chinese American family's annual average income has overtaken that of the US white family. And, prominent scientific and technical have talents of Chinese descent have sprung up in the US in recent years.Their achievements have attracted attention and gained admiration of scientists and technical experts in the world. Meanwhile, more Chinese Americans enter American political circles as they have risen evidently in political status.
2.涌入:可用flood into表达。
3.近年来在美国如雨后春笋般涌现了一批杰出的华裔科技人才:“如雨后春笋般涌现”可用spring up表达;“华裔”即“炎黄子孙”,可译为Chinese descent或ethnic Chinese;“科技人才”可译为scientific and technical talents。
4.华人:即“美籍华人”,故可翻译为Chinese Americans。
5.美国政治圈:可翻译为American political circles。
In 1936,Zhu Kezhen was appointed as the principal of Zhejiang University.Even before then,he had been a famous natural scientist.From 1936 to 1949,Zhu Kezhen worked as the university principal for 13 years.In the extremely hostile environment filled with converging attacks by continuous wars and various university affairs,being homeless and miserable,he trudged 5,000 li and drifted from place to place through 5 provinces,with the university location being changed 5 times.He actually developed the university into one of the nation's two most integrated universities composed of 7 schools and 27 departments,compared with only 3 schools and 16 departments when he took it over.
1、出任:be appointed as
2、极为恶劣:extremely hostile
3、连绵不断的学运:various university affairs
5、颠沛流离:drifted from place to place,这个词还有另外一层意思就是“无家可归,生活痛苦”,为了意思表达的全面,将“homeless and miserable”以分词形式作伴随状语译出,可以表达这是一种持续的状态。
冰灯(ice lantern)是中国北方广泛创作的冬季艺术品。它最初是为了照明,在 寒冷的冬夜为中国北方的农民和渔民的工作生活提供光源。后来,各种形状和大 小的水晶般透明的冰灯逐渐成为一种民间艺术,冰灯博览会(fair)成为北方特有 的民俗休闲活动。黑龙江省省会哈尔滨是中国冰雪艺术的发源地。1963年元宵节 期间,哈尔滨市在公园举办了首届冰灯博览会,几千盏冰灯和几十枝冰花展出, 冰灯和冰花由简单的工具制成,如结冰的盆和篮子。后来,大型年度冰灯博览会 每年都在哈尔滨举行。
An ice lantern is a wintertime work of art widelycreated in north China. It was originally made forillumination, providing a light source for the life andwork of farmers and fishermen of north China oncold winter night. Later, the crystal-clear ice lanternsof all shapes and sizes gradually became a folk art and an ice lantern fair became a folkrecreational activity unique to the north. Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang Province, is thebirthplace of Chinese ice and snow art. During the Lantern Festival in 1963,the city hosted thevery first ice lantern feir in the park, during which over a thousand ice lanterns and dozens ofice flowers made with simple tools like basins and basket for freezing were on display. Later, alarge-scale annual ice lantern feir was held each year in Harbin.
1、冰灯:ice lantern
3、民俗休闲活动:folkrecreational activity
4、发源地:the birthplace
5、大型年度冰灯博览会:alarge-scale annual ice lantern feir
Spring Festival is a time for family reunion . The New Year's Feast is "a must" banquet with all the family members getting together. The food eaten on the New Year Even banquet varies according to regions. In south China, It is customary to eat "niangao" (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher every year". In the north, a traditional dish for the feast is "Jiaozi" or dumplings shaped like a crescent moon.
Shousui means to stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve. After the great dinner, families sit together and chat happily to wait for the New Year's arrival。
Lucky Money,It is the money given to kids from their parents and grandparents as New Year gift. The money is believed to bring good luck, ward off monsters; hence the name "lucky money". Parents and grandparents first put money in small, especially-made red envelopes and give the red envelopes to their kids after ...
孙大圣是中国古典文学名著《西游记》(Journey to the West)中 的一个主要的人物。他是唐僧(Tang Monk)第一个徒弟。其实在中国, 他最受欢迎的名字不是“孙大圣”,而是“孙悟空”,这是教他72变 的第一个师傅给他起的名字。“悟”的意思是“启迪”。“空”的意 思是“无”,这是佛学(Buddhism)中最重要的一个认识。在佛学中, 人必须放弃欲望和所有对财富、名声的渴望,以培养自己为佛。
参考译文:Monkey King is one of the main characters in Chinese classic literature masterpiece “Journey to the West". He is the first disciple of Tang Monk.Actually in Chinese,his most popular name is not “Monkey King” but “Sun Wukong,,,which was given by his first Master who taught him the 72 supernormal abilities. “Wu” means enlightening. “Kong” means emptiness,which is one of the most important understandings in Buddhism. In Buddhism, one has to give up every human desire and all attachments including the attachments to wealth and fame etc, in order to cultivate oneself into a Buddha.
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