tell me about yourself.
since this is often the opening question in an interview, be extra careful that you don''''''''t run off at the mouth. keep your answer to a minute or two at most. cover four topics: education, work history, core competencies and recent career experience. emphasize this last subject. remember that this is likely to be a warm-up question. don''''''''t waste your best points on it.
for example:
i am currently studying for an emba from national cheng chi university. my working experience has been gained from jobs in different industries which include the it field, service related companies, human resources and executive management. in terms of core competencies, i see myself as having the following skills, leadership, planning, prioritizing, time management and resource allocation. for the past 3 years, i have been the general manager of wall street institute taiwan.
也不知道是不是从一开始就做了炮灰,反正不管,尽力而为,只求问心无愧!之前做过一个大概的统计,参加笔试的童鞋是2000+,而进入这次面试的竟然有1000+,当然不知道农行想搞什么东东,搞这么多的面试名额~~~ 织梦好,好织梦