

2017年雅思作文精选范文:Selfishness and greed


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  Individual greed and selfishness has been the basis of the modern society. Someone think that we must return to the olds, more traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to create a better world to live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  We are in a selfish world today. We are so busy looking out for number one, so saturated by our own problems, our own issues and our own little and often petty concerns that we failed to see how all could grow and being benefited by working together as a team. As far as I am concerned, the reason of the individual greed and selfishness were actually caused by the faster and faster development and more and more competition of the society.

  Some people yearn to return to the old and traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to create a better world to live in. According to them , people were more honest and warm-hearted and the manner of traditional treating each other was simple and selfless in the past.

  Personally, I do not support this view . Even in the past, greed and selfishness existed in our society. These two factors never disappeared since human have instinctive material needs, individual wants and desires would swell surely with the advances of life and society. Moreover, old tradition has its own limit and could only adapt for a c...

雅思作文精选范文:Science and technology


  备考雅思的朋友看过来,“雅思写作精选范文:Science and technology”由出国留学网雅思考试栏目为您提供,童鞋们要坚持每日练习哦!

  Task:Some people think that technology makes life complex, so we should make our life simpler without using the technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Sample answer:

  Over the past century, science and technology has been developing unprecedentedly and changing every aspect of people's lives. In my point of view, technology brings about higher efficiency and greater convenience,even though it causes confusion and disorder under some circumstances.

  The benefits of modern technologies are multiple. Automation is widely used on the assembly line, setting free millions of people from the arduous and repetitive work.Thanks to the widespread use of the Internet, people have easier access to information than ever before. Instead of going to the library to consult reference books,they can acquire any information they want via the Internet. Moreover,emails and mobile phones enable people to stay in touch more conveniently and efficiently, compared with the old days when they had to go to the post office or visit others in person.

  Despite the above-mentioned benefits,we cannot deny the fact that technology may lead to complexity and inconvenience in some cases. For instance,some old people find it difficult to use public facilities equipped with electronic-devices. However, this issue can be addressed with clear instructions provided. Another exa...
