本文就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文——社会类话题:Some people say job satisfaction is more important than job security, other think people cannot always expect enjoy in jobs, working permanently is more important. Discuss both and ur view.
It is true that seeking for a decent job is not as easy as decades ago due to the economic recession and competitive job market. Although some may argue that a sense of satisfaction towards their jobs is crucial, personally, I believe that a permanent job is more meaningful.
On the one hand, a permanent job can guarantee to meet employee’s basic needs. This is because almost no one can escape from the reality. Everyday, we are facing with a variety of expenses, such as food, shelter, transport, bill and even education tuition for children. With a relatively stable job, people, especially those in middle aged can cover most expenses. In addition, those who stay in the same company or institute are more likely to get a promotion as they show the loyalty towards their company. However, those who change their jobs frequently may meet unintended outcomes. For example, they may find difficult to support themselves and raise their fa...
Compare and contrast:taking a trip by oneself and taking a group tour with guidance
In the modern world, relaxation becomes an increasing demand after a hard-working day. Traveling seems to be the best alternative. There are a variety of perspectives on the question of whether traveling taking a trip by oneself or taking a group tour with guidance is more comfortable. Traveling alone and traveling in group is quite different in terms of the expense, safety and experience.
Firstly, one of the major distinctions between traveling alone and traveling in group is the expense. It is an indisputable fact that expense is a weighty matter in the era of economic crisis. The money when traveling in group is spread evenly to each member. Thus, the cost covered when traveling with others may be the solution to the problem since it is based on shared values. Conversely, traveling by oneself sounds convenient for those who enjoy the feeling of loneliness. Yet, the journey might cost an arm and a leg, in other word, it would be costly.
Even more importantly, though, safety seems to be at the heart of the matter when determining to travel with others or travel by oneself. Traveling to a new place will inevitably result in a great deal of unexpected trouble. For instance, misunderstanding la...
Task Response
Coherence and Cohesion
Lexical Resource
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Cambridge 8 – Test 2
Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.
In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?
Has this become a positive or negative development?
Yes, the technology has changed the people’s interaction in very enhanced manner. Earlier people use to wait and try to find easy way to contact their friends or relatives leaving far. In past there was no quick technology to contact or to establish any communication between one person to another person. The drawback with past communication systems was that it were very slow and were time taking process such as telegrams, letter etc. People used to afraid to write their personal feedbacks or things to their love ones due to insecure medium of communication. When it comes to professional level, the privacy and accuracy should be maintain but, to that time there were no secure communications.
Now the things have cha...
There is no doubt that helping students find a job is one of the primary functions of university education, but universities do exist for other purposes such as improving students’ analytical skills and raising students’ moral standards.
A university education can be seen as a process of improving students’ analytical thinking. The variety of courses offered at university inspires students in various ways, therefore improving their analytical ability. For example, science courses such as math and biology help students develop a rational way of thinking whereas arts courses such as literature 123ve to let students ponder over issues from a logical, multi- dimensional perspective; and courses in social sciences force students to recognize the ideas that have been traditionally assumed to be acceptable and unproblematic. With the development of these types of analytical thinking, graduates can face future challenges with more confidence and enthusiasm.
Also, university education is expected to improve students’ moral standards. This is rooted in universities’ belief that students’ awar123ss of responsibility towards their community and their country is of high importance. In this ever-deg123rating society and civilization, students are encouraged actively participate in improving the local community. A university that provides care and facilities for physically disadvantaged students may inspire the graduates to better h...
Somepeoplebelievethattimespentontelevision,videoandcomputergamescanbebeneficialtochildren.Othersbelievethishasnegativeeffectsonachild.Discussbothviewsandgiveyourownopinion.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Some parents would like choosing a career for their children,what is your opinion about this?Why?
You should write at least 250 words.
You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
Parents generally believe it is their responsibility to plan the careers for their children. They claim that they know their children well enough to decide what kind of job suits them. Hoping that their children will go in for professions that will bring them the greatest prestige and economic benefit, many parents think that their children are too young to see this for themselves. There are some parents who even expect their children to take over the careers of their fathers. For these reasons, many parents insist that their children should obey them in choosing careers.
But many children suggest that they should be left free to choose their own careers. For one thing, parents and children may not share the same interest. A job that appeals is likely to be boring for their children. For another, children have been brought up in a different age from their parents’, and therefore, should be allowed to cultivate a spirit of independence and self-reliance. In short, children should be free to make their own decisions as ...
A Large Population in China
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
You should write at least 250 words.
You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
Population expansion is one of the most serious problems in the developing countries. China has the largest population in the world. There are about 1.4 billion people in China now, and it is one-fourth of the world population. What’s more, it keeps growing dramatically. Each day, hundreds and thousands of babies are born.
A large population has many disadvantages. It prevents our country from developing rapidly. First of all, the resources are limited. With too many people crowded on the earth, we don’t have enough food to eat, enough clothes to wear, enough houses to live in and enough job to take. In addition, social security is also a big problem. There will be more crimes because of unemployment, education shortage and other social problems. Therefore, good life and great progress can not be ensured.
How to control our population? In my opinion, the most efficient way is to practise birth control policy. In China, each couple is permitted to raise only one child, especially in cities and towns. ...