






  雅思口语考试分为三大部分。第一部分一般被称为Introduction,考官在4-5分钟之内主要针对考生的个人情况做一些基本的提问,目前常见题目包括姓名,工作或学习情况,家庭状况,朋友,家乡,气候,交通,住房,饮食,衣着,旅游习惯,日常生活爱好等。在这一部分一般由考官在上述题目中选择1-3个题目,问6-9个问题。第二部分为 TopicTalk,即主题陈述,时间也是4-5分钟。考官要求考生抽取写有题目和提示问题的卡片,随后考生有一分钟的准备时间,并被允许用纸笔做简单提纲。1分钟后,考官提示时间到,有考生单独对所抽取的题目做陈述,时间是1-2分钟。第三部分为TwoWayDis鄄cussion,考官围绕考生在第二部分抽取的题目进行提问,与考生进行讨论,时间为4-5分钟,一般为2个题目,4-9个问题。这一部分虽然在形式上与第一部分相似,但是问题较第一部分更为抽象和概括。








我参加了2005年12月17日的雅思考试,这是我第一次参加雅思考试,取得了总分8.5分的成绩。 其中,听力9分,阅读9分,写作7分,口语9分。



Arrival of the examiner, a small, heavily sun-tanned middle-aged man with a slightly bald head. He gave me a small smile as he went into the test-room and closed the door.


I was beckoned into the room. On sitting down, I handed him my ID card and watched him check the information. After that, he set a small mp3 recorder on the desk between us and started the interview. First, he stated the place and date of the interview and began asking me questions.

Part 1

Q: What’s your full name?

A: My name is Zhong Wanting and you can also call me Helen.

Q: OK, Helen, where are you from?

A: My hometown is Chengdu, Sichuan, but I’ve stayed in Guangzhou, for more than 12 years.

Q: Can you tell me what you do? Do you work or do you study?

A: I’m a junior high school student, as you can see, and I’m now studying in Grade 9 in Guangdong Experimental Middle School.

Q: What do you study at school?

A: The middle school curriculum. We study a range of different subjects, for example, the 6 main subjects as we like to call them---- Chinese, maths, English, chemistry, physics and politics. Apart from these, we also have P.E. and history. Now we are in Grade 9, which is the tensest and busiest year in junior hig...




作者钟琬婷13岁,第一次参加雅思考试,取得了总分8.5分的成绩。 其中,听力9分,阅读9分,写作7分,口语9分。 以下是口试详细过程回忆。


Arrival of the examiner, a small, heavily sun-tanned middle-aged man with a slightly bald head. He gave me a small smile as he went into the test-room and closed the door.


I was beckoned into the room. On sitting down, I handed him my ID card and watched him check the information. After that, he set a small mp3 recorder on the desk between us and started the interview. First, he stated the place and date of the interview and began asking me questions.

Part 1

Q: What’s your full name?

A: My name is Zhong Wanting and you can also call me Helen.

Q: OK, Helen, where are you from?

A: My hometown is Chengdu, Sichuan, but I’ve stayed in Guangzhou, for more than 12 years.

Q: Can you tell me what you do? Do you work or do you study?

A: I’m a junior high school student, as you can see, and I’m now studying in Grade 9 in Guangdong Experimental Middle School.

Q: What do you study at school?

A: The middle school curriculum. We study a range of different subjects, for example, the 6 main subjects as we like to call them---- Chinese, maths, English, chemistry, physics and politics. Apart from these, we also have P.E. and history. Now we are in Grade 9, which is the tensest and busiest year in junior high school, as we have to prepare for the senior high school ...
