说到时尚服装,我们自然想到当下正火的一些服装品牌。从高端定制到平民时尚,从奢华顶级品牌Versace, Hermes, 和Gorgio Armani, 再到简约平价品牌Topshop, Zara, 和H&M, 还有在男性中大受欢迎的Calvin Klein和牛仔品牌Diesel, AJ等,我们能触及到的牌子和种类越来越多。再说说风格,从充满仙气儿的神秘森女系Mori girl clothing, 阳光帅气的运动风sports style, 到时尚的简约范儿Simple and contracted, 我们可以把自己从周一到周五打扮成各种不同的风格,来享受时尚带给我们的乐趣。当然,我们还不能忽视服装的材质(materials),如:Wool(羊毛),cotton(棉),silk(丝质),chemical fibre(化纤),fur or leather(皮或革),还有最近越来越流行的太空棉Space Cotton, 都是市面上常见的材料种类。
从传统方面来说,服装的功能(function)仅仅是protect people from climatic conditions and from naked(防止受到天气影响以及起到蔽体的作用)。而现在,服装本身成为了a form of creative artistic expression(一种创意艺术表达形式),designs can either be embroidered onto the fabric, woven on to the fabric, silk screened, or ironed onto the fabric to create a desired look(设计图案可以被渲染到布料上,可以被编织在布料上,可以丝印,也可以烙在布料上)。而且,服装certainly gives us a sense of confidence and pride in appearance(在外观上使我们变得自信和骄傲)。当然,我们也不能盲目追求时尚,就像顶尖品牌范思哲Versace的创始人Gianni Versace曾经说过,“When a woman changes her look too much from season to season, she becomes a fashion victim.” 所以我们追求时尚要讲求适度(Moderation)。除此之外,过于追求时尚将是一笔巨额的开销,然而这对很大一部分人来说是吃不消的(purchasing every latest season’s fashion clothing will of course blow the budget of many people, particularly the young)。因此,很多人更关注的是穿着的舒适度及其所表达的个性(pay more attention to individuality and comfort ...
考官:Describe a cafe that you like
You should say:
Where it is
How often you go there
What kind of food they serve there
And explain why you like to eat at this place.
考生::Ok right then, well the cafe that I’d like to talk to you about is one called Sculpture in Time, which is somewhere in the outskirts of the city, just a few minutes’ walk from where I live.
And as for how often I go there, well I actually go there quite a lot, probably something like once or twice a week. Having said that though, it really kind of depends how busy I am.
Anyway, regarding what kind of things they serve there, well it’s great, because they’ve gota really good selection of both Chinese and Western food, so there’s a lot to choose from. And in terms of drinks, there’s also quite a lot on the menu, especially coffee, which you can probably imagine. And I tend to normally always go for the Latte, cos I think they do it really well, and so I’ve never really felt the need to try any of the other drinks on the menu.
But anyway, finally then,moving on to why I like this place so much, well I’d say it’s a combination of reasons, one of which would be that it’s really big and spacious, at least compared to most of the other cafes I’ve been to, so you never...
摘要:工作类话题在雅思口语考试中始终占有一席之地,尤其是一些年纪稍大的G类考生始终对此感到困惑。相信考过雅思口语的考生亦或是正奋战在雅思考试道路上的未来考生们都清楚,“Do you work or are youa student?”是口语考试一开始的基本题之一,这道题的频率极高。
工作类话题在雅思口语考试中始终占有一席之地,尤其是一些年纪稍大的G类考生始终对此感到困惑。相信考过雅思口语的考生亦或是正奋战在雅思考试道路上的未来考生们都清楚,“Do you work or are youa student?”是口语考试一开始的基本题之一,这道题的频率极高。而这道题的目的在于,将考生们准确地分类。如果回答是学生,则考官后续的问题则更偏向于学术化,如果回答是工作,则后续话题相当有可能会出现工作类话题。从实践教学反馈来看,雅思考生绝大多数是即将出国留学的学生,而有工作经历的相对占少数,所以工作类话题往往被相对忽视。而在这篇文章中,雅思中国网海外考试研究中心的老师将解析工作类话题的难点所在及应对策略,为工作类考生们指点迷津。
工作类话题的难点在于考生们对于工作类词汇相对欠缺,可能在描述工作内容时表达相对平庸,不会地道的表达。另外,一些考生从事的行业相对较偏,对于该行业的词汇积累较少。下面,举出一个真实的案例,一位考生就职于一家锂电池公司的产品研发部门,职位是项目经理。当考官问道“What is your job?”时,考生的回答是“My job is a project managerin a battery company.” 且不论该回答的语法情况,单从词汇角度分析,首先,考生在考试现场忘记锂电池的英文表达,仅仅翻译成了“电池”。另外,该句型的运用也是比较典型的中式思维。如改成“I work for a lithiumbattery company, and I am in charge of the R&D department. I’m a projectmanager.” 则出彩许多。
除词汇难关以外,对于工作的思考及评价也成为了一些考生的困惑。一些考生被问到“What is your idealjob?”, “What is the thing you love most in your job?” 或是“Is there anything youdon’t like in your job?”等问题时,许多考生反应,别说是英文,就是中文也很难一下子比较有逻辑的罗列一二。关于理想的工作,考生第一反应往往是“钱多事少离家近”,可是很难想出更好的口语答案。综上所述,这类话题的难点总体可归纳为词汇表达单一和答案内容局限。
Part 1基本题:
Are you a student or do you work?
What is your job?
Why do you choose this type of job?
Do you love your job at the moment?
Is there anything you dislike at your job?
Will y...
读作“X thousand”:
1000=one thousand
2000=two thousand
读作“X hundred”:
1900=nineteen hundred
600=six hundred
读作“X thousand and Y”,可省略and:
2008=two thousand and eight 或 two thousand eight
1054=one thousand fifty-four
读作“X hundred and Y”,可省略hundred and:
1997=nineteen hundred and ninety-seven 或 nineteen ninety-seven
1811=eighteen eleven
1908=nineteen hundred and eight 或 nineteen oh eight
A. two thousand thirteen
B. twenty thirteen
2013=two thousand thirteen,不怕麻烦也可以说two thousand and thirteen。