1.Describe an old thing that you often use.
What it is
How often you use it
And explain why you often use it.
2.Describe a plan in your life that has nothing to do with your work or study
What it is
When you have the plan
Who you have told the plan to
And explain why you want to do this
3.Describe an important event in history.
What it was
When and where ithappened
Who took part in the event
And explain why youthink it was important.
4.Describe an interesting neighbour
You should say:
Who the person is
How long do you knowthe person
And explain thereason why you think the person is interesting
5.Describe an experience you spend time with a child
You should say:
when you spend time with this child
who this child was
what you did together
and how you felt about it
6.Describe an activity that you feel excited
You should say:
what it is
where you can do it
how you do it
and explain why you feel excited
7.Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future
You should say:
where you want to go
when you would like to go
where you can do for the holiday
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6月16日雅思口语Part Two话题汇总(全国版)
从各考点的考试情况来看,6月16日考试旧题为主,出现了少部分新题及一些旧题换新的题目。本次雅思口语考试出现新话题有:A family news that made you happy、An electronic device.
Part Two
An occasion you have to be polite(深圳、北京)
Describe an occasion you have to be polite.
how to be polite
Part 3
How to be polite?
What‘s the difference between Chinese and westerners in behaviors?
How to make the foreigners understand your politeness?
How to conceal your bad feelings?
What‘s the difference between being polite and being friendly?
A Free day(北京、南昌、苏州、青岛)
Describe a free day you want to enjoy/what you would do if you have a day off from your work or school
You should say:
Where you will go
What you will do
Who you will spend the day with
And explain how you think you would feel at the end of this day
Advertisement (南昌、苏州、郑州)
Describe an advertisement that you think is successful.
You should say:
what is advertised
what the advertisement contains
what kinds of people would be (or, are) interested in
and explain why you think this advertisement works well.
Part 3
What influences does the advertisement have on the brand?
What kinds of broadcasting advertisement will bring abo...
6月16日雅思口语Part One话题汇总(全国版)
从各考点的考试情况来看,6月16日考试旧题为主,出现了少部分新题及一些旧题换新的题目。本次雅思口语考试出现新话题有:A family news that made you happy、An electronic device.
Part One
Name (澳洲、南昌、成都、深圳、郑州)
Does your name have any meaning?
Do you want to change your name?
Hometown (澳洲、南昌、北京、杭州、成都、天津、郑州、重庆、哈尔滨)
Where are you from?
Tell me about your hometown
Are there any changes in your hometown?
What does it look like when you are a child?
Transport (澳洲)
What kinds of transport do people choose?
Is the bus crowded?
Family members (深圳)
House or Apartment (深圳、北京、杭州、昆明)
Which room do you like best?
Primary & Elementary school (深圳、北京)
Photograph (北京、南昌、深圳、青岛、昆明、郑州、天津)
Do you like to keep photos?
Do you think that photos are the best way to keep something in memory?
Healthy Diet (南昌、成都)
Major (北京、杭州、深圳)
Toy (北京、重庆)
Relaxation (北京、昆明)
What leisure activities do you do?
Why people do leisure activities?
Do you think people have enough time to relax?
Is it important to relax?
Clothe & Fashion (北京、杭州、深圳)
Driving (杭州)
Friends (杭州、成都、沈阳、郑州)
Color (北京、厦门)
Flower (郑州、重庆)
Do you like plastic flowers?
Relatives (杭州)
Ideal job in the future (杭州)