Required Documents 所需文件
A. Admission application form (attach a color photo)
A.入学申请表 (附彩色照片)
B. Recommendation letter from professors from one's previous (last) institution (No specific form)
C. Certificate of bachelor's degree (or certificate of expected graduation) and official transcript including all transcripts from previous institutions before the transfer (Applicants for Master's programs, doctoral program and Integrated Master & Ph.D. degree Programs)
- In case of no statement about total average GPA of the applicant and the maximum score or grading system on the transcript, please submit Proof Letter about these factors from the College he/she graduated.
C.学士学位证书 (或预期毕业证书) ,成绩单,需包括所有从以往机构的成绩 (申请硕士、 博士课程和综合硕士及博士学位课程需要)
-如果没有关于总的平均 GPA的证明,或成绩单评分系统,请从他/她毕业的大学提交包含这三个要求的证明信。
D. Certificate of master's degree (or certificate of expected graduation) and official transcript (Applicants for Ph.D, programs only)
硕士学位证书(或预期毕业证书) 和成绩单 (申请博士才需要)
E. Study plan (no specific form)
E. 研究计划(没有指定格式)
F. Resume / Curriculum Vitae (no specific form)