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  121. 我们盼望的机会可能在最后一刻才会出现。

  …hope for a chance

  …at the last moment

  The chance that we are hoping for may come at the last moment.

  122. 我希望戒烟的人越来越多,学抽烟的人越来越少。

  …more and more people / fewer and fewer people

  …give up doing…

  I hope that…and that…

  I hope that more and more people will give up smoking and that fewer and fewer will start. 123. 我看不出你让儿子与其他孩子一起玩有什么坏处。

  …see harm in…

  …let sb do …

  …play with sb

  I can’t see any harm in that you let your son play with other children.

  124. 她叫我不要走远,因为晚饭马上就要烧好了。

  …tell sb to do…

  Stay within call

  …be ready

  She told me to stay within call, for supper is nearly ready.

  125. 承蒙你慷慨相助,我的感激之情难以言表。

  It is generous of sb to do…

  …appreciate it very much if…

  It was very generous of you to help me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.

  126. 这些广告旨在吸引消费者购买商品。

  aim at doing sth. / the aim / purpose of

  appeal to sb. to do sth.

  to buy goods

  These advertisements aim at appealing to the consumers to buy the goods.

  The aim / purpose of these advertisements is to appeal to consumers to buy the goods. 127. 养成一种爱好对一个人的身心健康有好处。

  Take up a hobby

  Do good to / be good for / be beneficial to

  Physical and mental health

  Taking up a hobby will do good to one’s physical and mental health.

  It is good for one’s physical and mental health to take up a hobby.

  Taking up a hobby is beneficial to / benefits one’s physical and mental health.

  128. 我老是希望我的勤奋能给新来的老师留下印象。

  …one’s diligence

  Impress sb with sth.

  I am always hoping to impress my new teacher with my diligence.

  129. 任何有良知的中国人都希望中国将尽快统一。

  any Chinese with good conscience

  hope that…

  be reunited

  Any Chinese with good conscience hopes that China will be reunited as soon as possible. 130. 一般来说“便宜没好货”,但这并非一定如此。

  generally speaking

  Cheap articles / poor in quality / of poor quality

  It is not necessarily so / true

  Generally speaking, cheap articles are usually of poor quality / poor in quality, but it is not necessarily so / true.

  131. 我把自己视为一名世界公民,并相信教育和能力比国籍更重要。

  Regard… as / think of … as / look upon…as / consider … (to be) / view…as

  believe that

  more important than

  …a global citizen

  I regard myself as a global citizen and believe that education and ability are more important than nationality.

  132. 那些残疾人渴望为社区做出自己的贡献。

  The disabled people

  Long to do sth.

  Make contributions to sth.

  Those disabled people longed to make their own contributions to the community.

  133. 她迫不及待地要回家告诉家人这个好消息。

  Can’t wait to do sth.

  Tell / inform sb. about / of sth.

  She couldn’t wait to get / go / return home to tell her family about the good new.

  134. 警察拘留了与一次银行抢劫案有牵连的那几个人。

  The police arrest…

  Be in connection with…

  A bank robbery

  The police arrested a few people who were in connection with a bank robbery.

  135. 不幸的是,有些电视节目对极端有害。


  TV programs

  Be harmful to sb.

  Unfortunately, some television programmes have been extremely harmful to the young / young people.

  136. 承担这项特殊任务对你是极大的光荣。

  It is a great honour for sb. to do sth.

  To undertake such a special job / task

  It is a great honour for you to undertake such a special task / job.

  137. 翻开任何人的皮包或衣袋看看,里面都可能至少有一部手机和一个钱包。

  Look inside

  Anyone’s handbag or porket

  Do…and you will…

  A mobile phone or a wallet / purse

  Look inside (almost) anyone’s handbag / purse or pocket, and you will find that it contains at least a mobile phone and a wallet.

  138. 凡是想要生存的人都要依靠社会。

  Those who… / whoever …

  Want to survive

  Be dependent on

  Whoever wants to survive must be dependent on society.

  139. 毫无疑问,坐飞机比坐汽车安全。

  There is no doubt that…

  Take a plane / take a car

  Travel by plane / in a car

  It is safer…than…

  There is no doubt that it is safer to take a plane than to take a car.

  140. 七年的训练使得他能够冷静地处理这件事。

  The 7-year training

  Deal with…calmly

  Enable sb. to do sth.

  The 7-year training enabled him to deal with it calmly.

  141. 做一件毫无价值的工作就意味着浪费我们宝贵的时间。

  Do a valueless job

  Waste one’s time

  Doing a valueless job means wasting our precious time.

  142. 当你午夜一个人的时候,你想的越多,就越害怕。

  Be alone / by oneself at midnight

  The more …the more…

  When you are alone at midnight, the more you think, the more frightened you will be.

  143. 上海近些年来发生了巨大的变化,取得了举世瞩目的成就,因此很多国外公司来投资。 Great changes have taken place

  Make great / outstanding achievements

  Come to invest

  In the past / last few years

  Great changes have taken place and outstanding achievements have been made in Shanghai in the past few years so many foreign companies come to invest.

  144. 给我留下深刻印象的不是那位艺术家的成功,而是他的勤奋和毅力。

  What impressed me most is …

  Success / diligence / perseverance


  What impressed me most is not the artist’s success but his diligence and perseverance. 145. 承蒙邀请到开幕式上演讲是我的一大荣幸。

  An honour to do sth.

  Speak / make / give / deliver a speech

  I feel it a great honour to be invited to give a speech at the opening ceremony.

  146. 是否这种药物对禽流感有效果还有待观察。

  It remains to be observed…

  Be effective against…

  Bird flu

  It remains to be observed whether this drug / medicine is effective to the bird flu.

  147. 数以千计的科学家为神州六号的成功发射做出了巨大的贡献。

  Thousands of scientists

  Make great contributions to the successful launch of Shengzhou VI

  Thousands of scientists have made great contributions to the successful launch of Shengzhou VI. 148. 学海无涯这句话激励着我发奋学习去探索未知的世界。

  There is no end of learning /

  Inspire / encourage sb. To do sth.

  The unknown world

  The saying “there is no end of learning” inspires me to study hard to explore the unknown world. 149. 我们公司会安排一位资深的总工程师来为你们检查设备。

  Arrange for sb. to do sth.

  A senior chief engineer

  Examine / check the equipment

  Our company will arrange for a senior chief engineer to examine your equipment.

  150. 他忘记了安全规则,所以在过马路时发生了可怕的交通事故。

  Traffic rules / safety rules

  Cross the road

  A traffic accident happened to sb.

  He forgot the traffic rules, so a terrible traffic accident happened to him when (he was) crossing the road.

  151. 我一到校门口,天就开始下雨了。


  Get to / arrive at / reach

  Begin to rain

  Hardly had I reached the school gate when it began to rain.

  152. 上海市政府正尽最大努力来改善上海市民的生活条件。

  The government of Shanghai

  Make effort to do sth.

  Improve the living conditions

  Shanghai citizens

  The government of Shanghai is making great / every effort to improve the living conditions of Shanghai citizens’.

  153. 这款MP3式样新颖,携带方便,深受青年学生的欢迎。

  This kind of MP3

  Fashionable / modern in style

  Convenient to carry

  Be popular with sb.

  This kind of MP3 is fashionable and convenient to carry, so it is popular with young people. 154. 你最好要做好自力更生的准备,尽管他答应过要帮你。

  You’d better…

  Prepare to do sth.

  Depend on oneself

  Promise to do sth.

  Though he has promised to help you, you’d better prepare to depend on yourself.

  155. 电脑已经触及到每个人的日常生活,难怪有人说当今世界上你不懂电脑就一事无成。 Everyone’s daily life

  Touch on

  No wonder

  Do nothing without the knowledge of the computer / if you don’t know about …

  The computer has touched on everyone’s daily life. No wonder someone says that you can do nothing without the knowledge of computer.

  156. 在书桌上的那支钢笔不是我的。

  The pen on the desk

  Belong to sb.

  The pen on the desk doesn’t belong to me.

  157. 我们非常感谢老师为我们提供了如此好的书籍。

  Be grateful to sb. for sth.

  Provide sb. with sth.

  such good books

  We are grateful to our teachers for providing us with such good books.

  158. 很显然他们对我们所做的事不满意。

  It is obvious that…

  Be satisfied with…

  What we have done

  It is obvious that they are not satisfied with what we have done.

  159. 没有远大目标的人终将一事无成。

  Those who have no great aim / goal

  He who has not a great aim / goal

  Achieve nothing

  He who has not a great goal will not achieve anything.

  160. 工厂领导应该对生产利润和环境保护一视同仁。

  The leader of the factory


  The profits of production and environmental protection

  The leader of the factory should treat the profits of production and environmental protection alike.

  161. 轻轨的开通使周边的居民受益非浅。

  The light rail

  Open to traffic

  Benefit from…

  The residents who live nearby

  The residents who live nearby benefit a lot from the light rail that has been opened to traffic. 162. 我不能违背自己的诺言,因为我答应过帮他。

  Break one’s promise

  Keep one’s promise

  Promise to do sth.

  I can’t break my promise because I have promised to help him.

  163. 石油价格上涨过快严重影响了世界经济。

  The prices of oil

  Rise too rapidly

  The world economy


  That the prices of oil rose too rapidly has greatly affected the world economy.

  164. 你相信勤能补拙吗?

  Hard work

  Lack of intelligence

  Make up for

  Do you believe that hard work can make up for the lack of intelligence?

  165. 显而易见,如今有越来越多的美国人开始担心自己的生命安全。

  It is obvious that … / Obviously, …

  Worry about sth.

  One’s own safety

  Begin to do sth.

  It is obvious that more and more Americans are beginning to worry about their own safety now. 166. 尽管上海房价已经大幅下挫,但很多人仍然买不起。

  The prices of houses / housing in Shanghai

  Reduce by a large rate

  Afford to buy sth.

  Find it difficult to do sth.

  Though the prices of houses in Shanghai have been reduced by a large rate, many people still find it difficult to afford them.

  167. 警方一再警告市民们不要通过互联网交友,以免上当受骗。

  Warn sb. not to do sth. / against sth.

  Make friends through the Internet

  Again and again

  In case (that)


  The police have warned again and again the citizens never to make friends through the Internet, in case that they may be cheated.

  168. 抽烟有损于你的健康。

  Do harm to sb. / sth. / be harmful to sb. / sth.

  Smoking will do harm to your health.

  169. 我当时太忙,否则,我会去帮助你们的。

  Be busy at the time / moment

  Otherwise / or

  Go to help sb.

  I was too busy at the moment. Otherwise, I would have gone to help you.

  170. 他意识到他的建议冒犯了老板。

  Realize that…

  Offend sb.

  He realized that his suggestions had offended the boss.

  171. 如果你想自立的话,做什么事情都不能依赖你的父母。

  To be independent

  Rely on

  No matter what you do / whatever you do

  If you want to be independent, you shouldn’t rely on your parents no matter what you do.

  172. 中国的经济保持着以每年约百分之八的速度增长,这令世界上众多的经济学家为之震惊。 The Chinese economy / the economy of China

  Keep increasing

  By 8% / eight percent every year

  Many economists in the world

  Shock sb.

  The economy of China keeps increasing by about 8 percent every year, which shocks many economists in the world.

  173. 经过我们三个月的齐心协力,这个技术难题就迎刃而解了。

  Work co-operatively for three months

  The technical problem

  Solve the problem

  After we had worked co-operatively for three months, the technical problem was solved easily. 174. 小女孩对电脑好奇,因为她不停地问。

  Be curious about…

  Keep asking…

  The little girl is curious about the computer, for she keeps asking questions about it.

  The little kept on asking questions about the computer because she was curious about it. 175. 事故发生时谁在现场?

  Be on the scene / spot

  When the accident happened

  Who was on the scene when the accident happened?

  176. 听取你父亲的建议,否则你会后悔终身的。

  follow / Listen to one’s advice / suggestion

  Regret all one’s life

  Follow your father’s advice, or you will regret all your life.

  177. 没有什么能比网上聊天更令这孩子喜爱的了。

  There is nothing else better than…

  Chat with others on the Internet / online

  There is nothing else the child likes better than chatting with others online.

  178. 既然你不知道这些单词的意思,为什么不查阅词典呢?

  Since / now that

  Why not do sth.

  Look up the word in the dictionary

  Now that you don’t know the meaning of these words, why not look them up in the dictionary?

  179. 为了“神州六号”的成功发射,科学家们正在废寝忘食地日夜工作。

  In order to do sth.

  Succeed in doing sth.

  Launch the Shengzhou VI

  Work day and night, neglecting one’s meals and sleep

  In order to succeed (in) launching the Shengzhou VI, the scientists are working day and night, neglecting their meals and sleep.

  180. 你的父母希望尽快收到你的来信。

  Hear from sb.

  Your parents hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

  Your parents hope that they will hear from you as soon as possible.

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