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  Browse through the racks of dresses, skirts, and tops in almost any trendy clothing store in Argentina, and whether your find something that fits depends on your size, but shops carry few—if any – options for curvaceous women. When you go into a store and find an extra large, you know that it is really start to think that everybody is like this, and that you are big. But that‘s not true.

  In this beauty-conscious nation, which has the world‘s second-highest rate of anorexia, many are particularly blaming the country’s clothing industry for offering only tiny sizes of the latest fashions. The result is a dangerous paradox of girls and women adapting to the clothes rather than clothes adapting to them. The Argentitine legislature is considering whether to force clothing manufacturers to cover “all the anthropometric measurements of the Argentine woman” up to extra large size, the bill also addresses the related problem of so-called “tricky” labeling in which S,M, and L designations vary by brand and are smaller than international standards.

  The proposal has raised eyebrows in a historically flirtatious society skeptical of government and well known for its obsession with beauty. “Argentina has the worlds‘ highest rates of aesthetic surgery,” says Mabel Bello, founder of the Association for the Fight Against Anorexia. “When you are talking about how preoccupied with beauty our society is, that is the most telling statistic.”

  For experts such statistics spell futility for legal remedies. “These types of laws are not going to cause lasting changes,” says Susana Saulquin, a sociologist of fashion. “ A better way to address the problem is through public education that emphasizes balanced eating habits over an unrealistic ideal of customers, but over time, she believes, amore balanced view of beauty will emerge”

  For their part, industry groups condeme the bill as overreaching state intervening. They say their business decisions are guided by consumer demand. “We are not in favor of anything that regulates the market,” says Laura Codda, a representative of major clothing manufacturers. “Every clothing company has the right to make anything it can sell—any color, any sizes.” She says her group is not opposed to measures that would standardize sizing, but she notes that many, if not most, clothes in Argentine stores already carry the numerical designations called for in the bill.

  If history is a guide, the fate of the proposed law is somewhat bleak. However, in 2005, the provincial government of Buenos Aires managed to pass a similar law—although the government failed to sign it.

  1. What kind of women of “curvaceous women”(Para.1) most probably refer to?

  [A] well-proportioned and full-figured.

  [B] beautiful and charming.

  [C] slender and tall.

  [D] full-grown and healthy.

  2. “Aesthetic surgery” is mentioned to show that

  [A] every woman has her rights to pursue beauty.

  [B] aesthetic surgery is terribly popular.

  [C] the unrealistic pursuit of beatuty is popular.

  [D] aesthetic surgery is just a tricky trap.

  3. According to the text, Susana Saulquin

  [A] disbelieves the statistics of aesthetic surgery.

  [B] thinks the proposed law will work over time.

  [C] regard the legal remedies as inadvisable.

  [D]has developed good and balanced eating habits.

  4. In the author‘s opinion, this kind of bill

  [A] has cleared the legislature.

  [B] still has a faint light of hope.

  [C] is actually not necessary.

  [D]is none of government‘s business.

  5. The best title for this text may be

  [A] Women Adapting to Cloths or Vice Versa.

  [B] Who is the Arbiter, Manufactures of Customers.

  [C] How to Standardize Clothea Sizing.

  [D]why So Few Large Size Clothes.


  1. A 词义题。本题的问题是“‘curvaceous women’(第一段)最可能指的是哪种女性?”第一段首先提到了该短语,随后指出,如果你找到一件特大号衣服,那实际上只是美国标准的中号、小号服装,接着解释说,你会觉得沮丧,因为你认为,任何人都苗条,而你自己则肥胖。根据文中的“big”可知,该短语可能指的是“体型丰满的女性”。[A]“身材匀称、丰满的”是对此意的改写,为正确答案。[B]“美丽、迷人的”和[D]“成熟、健康的”明显是误解了该短语的意思;[C]“苗条、高挑的”与文意相反。

  2. C 结构题。本题的问题是“提到‘美容手术’是为了表示 ”。题干中的“Aestheticsurgery”出自文章第三段第二句话中,表明本题与第三段有关。第二段提到了阿根廷人患厌食症的问题,第三段接着提到,阿根廷做美容手术的比例是世界上最高的,人们在谈论社会是如何迷恋美貌时,这就是最有说服力的统计数据,第四段引用专家的话说,解决这个问题的更好办法就是通过公众教育,强调均衡的饮食习惯,而不是追求不切实际的美貌理想。这说明,提到该短语是为了说明许多人都盲目追求美。[C]“对美貌的不切实际追求很流行”是对此意的改写,为正确答案。本文并没有说女性不能追求美,只是说人们太重视美貌,所以[A]“任何女性都有追求美的权利”与文意不符;[B]“美容手术非常流行”是用来说明阿根廷人对美貌的重视程度的例子,并不是提到该例子的目的,所以B不对;[D]“美容手术只是一个狡猾的陷阱”属于无中生有。

  3. C 本题的问题是“根据本文,苏珊娜。索尔琴 ”。题干中的“Susana Saulquin”出自文章第四段第二句话中,表明本题与第四段有关。第二、三段提到了立法机构的设想,第四段首先指出,对于专家来说,这样的统计数据意味着,采取立法措施没有用,随后提到了苏珊娜。索尔琴的观点:这些法律将不会导致永久变化。这说明,她认为,采取立法措施没有用处。[C]“认为立法措施不可取”是对其观点的概括,为正确答案。[A]“不相信美容手术的统计数据”是曲解了该段第一句话的意思;[B]“认为,随着时间的推移,被提议的法律会起作用”是针对该段第二句话和最后一句话设置的干扰项,与文意不符;[D]“已经养成了良好的、均衡的饮食习惯”是对该段第三句话设置的干扰项,明显与文意不符。

  4. B 细节题。本题的问题是“根据作者的观点,这种法案——”。前面的段落分析了立法机关提出的法案,最后一段首先提到,这个被提议的法案的前景有点黯淡,随后转折指出,在2005年,布宜诺斯艾利斯省政府设法通过了一项类似的法案。这说明,作者认为该法案还有希望。[B]“还有一线希望”是对作者,观点的恰当概括,为正确答案。[A] “已经获得了立法机构的支持”明显与第二段第三句话和最后一段第一句话的意思不符;作者并没有讨论该法案是否必要的问题,所以[C]“事实上没有必要”不是作者的观点; [D]“不关政府的事”是服装集团公司的观点,不是作者的观点。

  5. A 主旨题。本题的问题是“本文的最佳标题可能是——”。本文首先介绍了阿根廷时尚服装店的尺码问题,接着指出,许多人都在责备其服装行业只提供小号的最新时装,结果是出现了一种矛盾现象——女孩和女性适应服装,而不是服装适应她们;随后提到了准备采取的立法措施,介绍了社会各界对此的态度。这说明,本文主要讲的是服装的尺码适应人的问题。[A]“是女性适应服装,还是相反”是对本文内容的恰当概括,可以表达本文的主题,为正确答案。本文并没有谈论谁来仲裁尺码的问题,所以[B]“谁是仲裁者,是制造商还是顾客”不能表达本文的主题;本文讨论的是应该使尺码标准化,而不是如何标准化,所以[C]“如何使服装尺码标准化”不能表达本文的主题;大号服装少是本文引出主题时举的例子,并不是本文讨论的重点,所以[D]“为什么大号服装如此少”不能表达本文的主题。


  We threaten punishments in order to deter crime.We impose them not only to make the threats credible but also as retribution (justice)for the crimes that were not deterred.Threats and punishments are necessary to deter and deterrence is a sufficient practical justification for them.Although penalties can be unwise,repulsive,or inappropriate,and those punished can be pitiable,in a sense the infliction of legal punishment on a guilty person cannot be unjust.By committing the crime,the criminal volunteered to assume the risk of receiving a legal punishment that he could have avoided by not committing the crime.

  There remain,however,two moral objections.The penalty may be regarded as always excessive as retribution and always morally degrading.To regard the death penalty as always excessive,one must believe that no crime—no matter how heinous—could possibly justify capital punishment.Such a belief can be neither confirmed nor refuted;it is an article of faith.Alternatively,one may believe that everybody,the murderer no less than the victim,has a natural right to life.The law therefore should not deprive anyone of life.

  Justice Brennan has insisted that the death penalty is “uncivilized,”“inhuman,”inconsistent with “human dignity”and with “the sanctity of life,”that it “treats members of the human race as nonhumans,as objects to be toyed with and discarded,”that it is “uniquely degrading to human dignity”and “by its very nature,involves a denial of the executed person‘s humanity.” Justice Brennan does not say why he thinks execution“uncivilized.”Hitherto most civilizations have had the death penalty,although it has been discarded in Western Europe.

  By“degrading,”Justice Brennan seems to mean that execution degrades the executed convicts.Yet philosophers have insisted that,when deserved,execution,far from degrading the executed convict,affirms his humanity by affirming his rationality and his responsibility for his actions.They thought that execution,when deserved,is required for the sake of the convict‘s dignity.Common sense indicates that it cannot be death—our common fate—that is inhuman.Therefore,Justice Brennan must mean that death degrades when it comes not as a natural or accidental event,but as a deliberate social imposition.The murderer learns through his punishment that his fellow men have found him unworthy of living;that because he has murdered,he is being expelled from the community of the living.This degradation is self-inflicted.By murdering,the murderer has so dehumanized himself that he cannot remain among the living.

  Execution of those who have committed heinous murders may deter only one murder per year.If it does,it seems quite warranted.It is also the only fitting retribution for murder I can think of.

  1.The author‘s attitude towards death penalty is____.

  [A] negative [B] positive [C] impartial [D] ambiguous

  2.It is implied that infliction of legal punishment is justified because the offender____.

  [A] spares no effort in holding himself back from the criminal action

  [B] shows no regard for the dignity of the victim

  [C] is well aware of the consequence of his action

  [D] can be deterred by no legal punishment whatsoever

  3.By saying that“most civilizations have had the death penalty”,the author really means that____.

  [A] civilization in Western European countries is degenerating

  [B] the assertion that capital punishment is uncivilized is arbitrary

  [C] death penalty is an effective legal institution for defending civilization

  [D] being uncivilized is not equivalent to being inhuman

  4.Justice Brennan would agree that____.

  [A] death in any way means a denial of a person‘s humanity

  [B] the society has no right to take an individual‘s life

  [C] murders should be educated rather than punished

  [D] degrading a convict is nothing more than executing him

  5.According to philosophers,death penalty____.

  [A] should be executed with due regard for human dignity

  [B] should not be given in a way that degrades the murder

  [C] meets the murder‘s need for claiming back his humanity

  [D] serious crimes deserve cruel or even inhuman retribution


  1.[B] 意为:赞同。作者在第一段指出,虽然惩罚可能是不理智、令人厌恶或不合适的,那些受到惩治的人是值得怜悯的,但是对一个罪犯实施法律惩处在某种意义上不可能是不公正的。作者在第二段驳斥了两种反对惩罚 (包括死刑)的观点,并在第三、第四段驳斥了Brennan法官的观点。最后一段提到,对那些犯有恶意杀人罪的犯人施以死刑也许每年只能终止一场杀人案,如果是那样的话,实施死刑似乎也是值得的,这也是我能想像的对杀人罪惟一合适的惩罚。可见,作者是赞同实施死刑的。[C]意为:客观的。D]意为:模棱两可的。

  2.[C] 意为:允分意识到了其行为后果。第一段最后一句提到,在决定犯罪时,罪犯就自愿承担接受法律惩罚的风险,而他是本来可以通过不去犯罪来避免这种惩罚的。这就是作者认为惩罚不可能是不公正的理由。[A]意为:根本不想阻止自己犯罪。[B]意为:根本不尊重受害者的尊严。[D]意为:根本不可能被任何法律惩罚制止。

  3.[B] 意为:关于死刑是不文明的论断是武断的(或没道理的)。第三段提到Brennan法官的观点,在他看来,死刑是“不文明的”表现,虽然他并没有说明其中的理由。但是,作者在第三段最后一句指出,迄今为止,许多文明社会都实行死刑,虽然欧洲废除了死刑。言外之意是,实施死刑并不是区分社会是否文明的标志。[A]意为:西欧国家的文明正在走向没落。[C]意为:死刑是保护文明的一种有效法律体制。[D]意为:不文明不等于不人道。

  4.[B] 意为:社会没有权利剥夺一个人的性命。第三段提到,Brennan法官坚持认为,死刑是“不文明的”、“非人性的”,是与“人的尊严”和“生命的神圣”观念不一致的,它“把人类的成员不当做人来看,而是当做可以随意玩耍和丢弃的物品”,这是“对人的尊严的特有的贬低”,因此“就其本质而言,是对被判死刑者人性的否定”。这里,Brennan法官始终强调了生命(权利)的不可侵犯性。事实上,Brennan法官的观点就是第二段提到的第二类人的观点,参阅第二段最后两句。[A]意为:任何方式的死亡都是对一个人人性的否定。Brennan法官并没有提到如何看待自然死亡或偶然死亡。[D]意为:贬斥一名罪犯就等于是将他处以死刑。

  5.[C] 意为:满足了杀人犯索回其人性的需要。根据第四段,在哲学家看来,如果死刑是罪有应得,它就不会起到贬低被执行死刑者的作用,相反它会通过确认其行动的理性和责任来确认其人性。他们认为,实行罪有应得的死刑的目的是为了维护罪犯的尊严。这里所谓“确认其行动的理性和责任”,实际上指让罪犯承担其杀人的责任,也即将他处以死刑。因此,这里的逻辑是,将罪犯处以死刑就是还给他通过杀人丧失的人性,也就是维护其人性尊严。[A]意为:应该在充分尊重人性尊严的前提下实施。[B]意为:不应该以贬低凶手的方式实施。[D]意为:重罪应该施以残酷、甚至不人道的惩罚。


  Part of the scientific faith of the late nineteenth century was the view that there was one and only one scientific method.This method,argued writers like Karl Pearson in his Grammar of Science,was the only sure method for arriving at knowledge in any sphere.The method was easily described: collect the facts in the area under study;order them into sequences,such that law like occurrences could be seen;then,write down the laws so identified.According to this view,disciplines differed only as to subject matter,since the unity of science consisted of its method alone.Also,according to this view,the results of scientific investigation(that is,new knowledge)will always be embodied in the form of a law connecting the facts in the area under study.

  Explanation,according to this view,is simply accounting for facts on the basis of a deduction from a known law or laws,or accounting for some subordinate law on the basis of a deduction from some more general law or laws.The most influential formulation of this explanation is Carl G Hempel‘s, perhaps most accessibly articulated in his article“Explanation in Science and History”。Sometimes,according to Hempel,such laws are of a strictly universal form and other times they are of a probabilistic or statistical form.They are assertions,in this latter case,of the kind that if certain specified conditions are realized then an occurrence of such and such a kind will come about with such a probability.

  I think that it would be true to say that in the late nineteenth century it was felt that one feature distinguishing physics from history as a discipline was that,even if they shared exactly the same method,physics had no need for the latter kind of probabilistic explanation——at least in principle——while in history it was unavoidable.

  However,in the twentieth century,whatever else may distinguish physics and history as disciplines it is not that physics uses only strictly universal laws and deductive explanations in the nineteenth century sense,while history does not.The physics of the century,from 1 900 onward,has been interested in aggregates of certain classes of physical individuals(the particles)and in accounts of the individuals that would enable one to understand the aggregates.As a consequence partly of this interest in statistical data pertaining to the very small,as well as for a number of other reasons,physicists have tended to formulate the mechanics of the very small in terms of equations in which probabilistic notions are fundamental.

  1. According to Karl Pearson,only one scientific method——。

  [A J prevailed in every field of study during 1890s

  [B]directed the collection and arrangement of facts

  [C]served as a unique element uniting all disciplines

  [D]made the identification of new knowledge plausible

  2. As stated by Hempel,general laws are——。

  [A]based on detailed accounts of actual facts

  [B]composed of subordinate laws by deduction

  [C]realized in probabilistic or statistic form

  [D]applied to all cases or under certain conditions

  3. The author feels sure of the truth that in 19th century———————

  [A]physics and history shared a common feature

  [B]the same method blended history with ph)rsics

  [C]statistical laws were compatible with physics

  [D]probabilistic method was inapplicable to history

  4. In the 20th century, it was true that—————————

  [A]universal laws ceased to belong merely to physics

  [B]deductive explanations became dominant in history

  [C]distinction between history and physics turned obscure

  [D]statistical explanations were adopted by physicists

  5. In the study of physical particles_____

  [A]statistical information accounts for the interest in aggregates

  [B]probabilistic conceptions result from their formulation

  [C] description of their mechanics is based on statistical data

  [D]physical equations are accountable for probabilistic ideas


  sphere n.范围,领域

  subordinate adj.从属的

  probability n.可能性

  sequence n.次序,顺序

  articulate vt.清晰地表达

  consequence n.结果

  embody vt.使具体化

  statistical adj.统计的

  formulate vt.用公式表示







  1. c推断题。由题干关键词Karl Pearson定位文章第一段。根据第二句之后的内容,可立即排除A(流行于每一个研究领域);题干中的According to Karl Pearson相当于第四句的According to this View,因此可将答案锁定在此句,推断可知c与其内容一致,是正确答案;B(指导事实论据的搜集和整理)不全面;D中的plausible(似是而非的)是一种不确定的说法,不合文意。

  2. D推断题。由题干中关键词Hempel定位第二段第三、四句,其中的such laws即general laws(普遍规律)。选项D概括了这两句的内容,all cases相当于第三句中的universal from(普遍型),certain conditions即specified conditions(特定情况)。A(基于对事实的详细说明)、B(由演绎得出的从属定律构成)两项指的是explanation;C不全面,只是指general laws中的一种,即概率型或统计型。

  3. A推断题。题干中的The author feels相当于第三段开头的I think,故答案应在此段之中。A说物理学和历史学有共同特点,即指此段所说的也same method(同样的方法),故为答案。B(同样的方法把历史学和物理学混为一谈)不合逻辑;C的comparable with(相符的)和D的was inapplicable to(不适用于)皆与句意相悖。

  4. D推断题。由题干关键词20m century定位文章最后一段。文中指出用19世纪的普遍规律和演绎性解释来区分物理学和历史学是不对的。由此可知选项A(普遍规律不再只属于物理学)、B(演绎性解释在历史学中占主导地位)、c(历史学和物理学之间的区别变得模糊)是对文章的故意曲解;文章末句说,物理学家往往用方程式来阐述微观世界的力学原理,而方程式的基础就是概率概念,故推断可知D正确。

  5. C推断题。由题干关键词physical particles定位最后一段第二、三句,其中提到20世纪的物理研究兴趣主要在于某些种类的物质个体的总计及对这些物质个体的解释以便人们了解这种总计,由此可知A(统计信息说明人们对总计的兴趣)因果颠倒;文中说物理学家们倾向于用方程式来阐述微观世界的力学原理,而在这些方程式中,有关概率的概念是最基础的,言外之意,微观世界的描述是以概率的概念为基础的,由此可知B(概率的概念由方程式而生)本末倒置,D(物理方程式可以解释概率理念)因果颠倒,而c(对其力学原理的描述基于统计数据)正确。





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